Today's Your Day
Please join Tedi Parsons as he welcomes some pretty amazing people to join him on the Today’s Your Day Podcast. This podcast is committed to helping others grow (both personally and professionally), thrive, prosper and succeed. We focus on providing information, data and resources that will help each of us to become the very best versions of ourselves. We are a motivational, educational and uplifting podcast, and our only goal is to help others discover their greatness, who they truly are meant to be.
Today's Your Day
S4-E-12: The Annual PRIDE Episode
On Episode #12 of Season Four of Real Talk with Tedi, Tedi is flying solo for this short episode on PRIDE. Tedi shares what PRIDE is, how it all started and why its important (not only in the month of June, but all year round). Included with this episode is a brief history of how the LGBTQ+ movement got started, it's dark history and ways we can all become stronger Allies and supporters of our Queer brothers and sisters.
Tedi also shares his frustration with those who only recognize PRIDE during the month of June and the responsibilities of the Queer people to know and share our history. Included with this episode are several Resources to guide you through PRIDE month and our Queer history (below).
Milestones in the American Gay Rights Movement
PRIDE Facts (GLAAD June 2024)
Facts And Statistics About The Impact Of Gun Violence On LGBTQ+ People
The Trevor Project (Website)
Reimagine Gender - Understanding Allyship
Matthew Shepard Foundation
The opinions and statements made on the Today's Your Day Podcast are/or do not necessarily reflect those of the Today's Your Podcast Podcast or Tedi Parsons. To learn more, please visit: https://owningtheday.com
The music used for this podcast was provided by: total-happy-up-and-sunny by sascha-ende-from-filmmusic-io. https://filmmusic.io/standard-license. License (CC BY 4.0):